Please join us for our annual
HEAL/Gianna's Light
Rememberance Service
For our babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy and neonatal death.
Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 2:00pm
Finnegan Auditorium, Second Floor, St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital, 1044 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown OH
Please register by October 8th, 2015 either here:
Sorry Registration is closed for this year's event.
To our Angel, Gianna Lynne
May your light forever burn bright.
Born Still, April 15, 2009
Dear Friend,
Please let me welcome you to this site. If you are here, suffering, looking for light, I hope that we can help you, even just a little.
If you have lost your sweet baby, please accept my deepest condolences. I lost my little girl, Gianna Lynne, on April 15, 2009. She was born still at 28 weeks. I know your pain, I know your sorrow.
We founded Gianna's Light to offer comfort, and hope, to families suffering the same loss. As this journey evolves for us, and Gianna's Light moves in slightly different directions, we recognize that sadly, many families join this unfortunate club every day and need help. Under "Helpful Resources" you will find a link to Daily Strength, the online support group I joined when Gianna first died, and several other good places to seek help. Daily Strength connected me with other moms, and brought me so much comfort. I also invite you to search Facebook for closed private groups where you can find solace from other parents experiencing the loss of their baby. One that I would suggest is S.O.B.B.S (Stories of Babies Born Still.)
What I have found from my own experience is that connecting with others who know this pain is what will get you through. And remember, be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to grieve. Take it day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment if necessary. You will find light and love and yes, even laughter again. And you are not alone.
Hugs to you,
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